Happy New Year from Dagger and Lupe! January 01, 2006.
Yes, I've made it through the holidays with these rug rats. ~Ashley, January 2006.
Blog from the Cat Tails: Dagger has quite the brain. He now knows how to open the doors to storage under the stairs (and pull numerous things out into the hall), open the laundry room doors, open cupboards, open bedside drawers (and pull out packages of crackers, take nibbles, then leave them on the bed for an "in your face" evidencing), pull the closet door off it's track and slip through the doors, turn off and on the lights in the bathroom, and finally, he knows how to turn the bedroom stereo on to the cd that he prefers (the Egyptian one of course).
I had to take this picture while I could, the two of them lying down this close, without Ashley hissing is a rarity. January, 2006.
Dagger (or Mr. Brains) January 2006.
Lupe and Dagger on the big black pillow of cuddledom. February 2006.
More cuddling on the black pillow. February 2006.
And even more cuddling on the black pillow. February 2006.
Lupe can cuddle by herself too! February 2006.
Dagger gets weird when he's alone on the black pillow. February 2006.
Computer play. February 2006.
Dagger and Lupe watch Ashley intently. February 2006.
Dagger says "hello" but isn't received very kindly by Ashley. February 2006.